Using Images and Javascript - Basically any static content. Nearly all content is enhanced when accompanied by informative or supportive images, videos or animations. There can be added easily to any page:
Where to store them You store all of your static content such as images, css, js, videos etc in the static folder.
How to use them. They can be used in the content files by:
create a folder in the static directory to contain all of that type of content e.
A simple hugo site to capture how to learn HUGO. The content for this home page comes from /content/ the page itself has a layout in the layouts folder called index.html.
the index looks like:
{{ partial "homepage-header.html" . }} {{ .Content }} <p>The /layouts/index.html can also contain content in html format!</p> {{ partial "footer.html" . }} The index.html sets out the structure of the page:
firstly it calls in the common header content which we create asa partial (/partial/homepage-header.